《一小时读懂安化黑茶》 1 Hour to Understand Anhua Dark Tea
目 录
序 言
Drinking to abtain the value of Anhua Dark tea
Building up the bridge for Anhua Dark tea to meet the world
前 言
第一章 认识安化黑茶
Chapter One: Approaching Anhua Dark Tea
第一节 安化黑茶是什么
Section 1: What is Anhua dark tea
第二节 完整的产品体系
Section 2: Established Product System
第三节 神奇的保健功效
Section 3: Magical Healthcare Effect
第四节 品牌影响力和产业发展
Section 4: Brand Influence and Industrial Development
第二章 安化黑茶悠久的历史
Chapter Two: A Long History of Anhua Dark Tea
第一节 从马王堆汉墓出土茶叶到“渠江薄片”
Section 1: From Unearthed Tea in Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tomb to "Qujiang River Slice"
第二节 从丝绸之路到万里茶道
Section 2: From the Silk Road to the Thousands Miles Tea Road
第三节 从御史徐侨到陕甘总督左宗棠
Section 3: From Censor Xuqiao to Governor-general Zuo Zongtang
第四节 从彭先泽到1958
Section 4: From Pen Xianze to the Year of 1958
第三章 安化黑茶的制作工艺
Chapter Three: Anhua Dark Tea Processing
第一节 独特的传统工艺
Section 1: Characteristic Traditional Technique
第二节 现代科技创新
Section 2: Modern Technological Innovation
第四章 令人神往的安化黑茶原产地
Chapter Four: An attractive original production site of Anhua Dark tea
第一节 独特的生态环境
Section 1: An unique ecosystem
第二节 稀有的原始种群
Section 2: The rare and primitive plants
第三节 优质茶叶产区
Section 3: The high quality tea production area in Anhua
第四节 古老茶乡,茶旅胜地
Section 4: Old tea villages,an earthly paradise for tea men
第五章 安化黑茶的选购饮用与收藏
Chapter Five: Anhua Dark tea for choosing to drink and collection
第一节 安化黑茶的选购
Section 1: How to choose to buy Anhua Dark tea
第二节 安化黑茶的饮用
Section 2: How to drink Anhua Dark tea beverage
第三节 安化黑茶的储存
Section 3: The storage of Anhua Dark tea
第四节 安化黑茶的收藏
Section 4: How to collect Anhua Dark tea
Anhua Dark Tea Industrial Park in China - Anhua Dark Tea Army Base Camp
Anhua Dark Tea Magazine——State media of China Anhua Dark Tea Industry
后 记
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